Журнал «Гуманитарно-педагогичеЖурнал «Гуманитарно-педагогические исследования» - Gladkikh V. G., Danilova T. V. Future workers’ readiness to overcome production risks in oil and gas industry as a component of professional readiness (2025)

Gladkikh V. G., Danilova T. V. Future workers’ readiness to overcome production risks in oil and gas industry as a component of professional readiness

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doi: 10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-1-06-16.

Abstract. The professional activity of workers in the oil and gas industry is characterized by the presence of negative factors of a natural and man-made quality caused by the riskiness of an oil and gas production facility. Prevention, neutralization and minimization of industrial risk situations require highly qualified personnel, including workers. In this regard, the role of professional educational organizations is increasing as far as the latter implement training for the work in risky conditions, aimed at forming the students’ readiness to over-come industrial risks. At the same time, in modern psychological and pedagogical research, an unambiguous understanding of the essence on this phenomenon is not presented. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to characterize the essence of the future workers’ readiness to overcome the production risks in the oil and gas industry. Basing on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the professional readiness formation problem of the future workers, the authors of the article believe that the readiness to overcome the production risks in the oil and gas industry is a key task of modern vocational training and an integral component of students’ the professional readiness. The essence and the content of this phenomenon are determined by the peculiarities of their upcoming professional activity. The riskological specifics of the labour activity of workers at dangerous production facilities in the oil and gas industry are clarified: overcoming production risks, combining their identification, assessment, prevention, neutralization and minimization. The essence of the readiness of future workers to overcome the production risks in the oil and gas industry is characterized as an integrative personal quality, represented by the identification of harmful and dangerous production factors, the probability assessment of a risky event and also embodied in the appropriate choice of actions to prevent, neutralize and minimize any risk, and provided by safety self-control in the professional activity. The theoretical significance of the article is in the classification of production risks in the oil and gas industry: technical, technological, environmental, valeological. The practical significance of the article is the map of the assessment of production risks in the oil and gas industry made by future workers, which contributes to the effective formation of the studied quality in vocational training at college.

Keywords: professional readiness, harmful and dangerous production factors, classification of production risks in the oil and gas industry, readiness of future workers to overcome production risks in the oil and gas industry, risk assessment map.

Information about the authors:

Gladkikh V.G., Professor of the Department of General and Professional Pedagogy, Orenburg State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

Danilova T.V., Postgraduate student of the Department of General and Professional Pedagogy of the Orenburg State University.


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For citation:Gladkikh V.G., Danilova T.V. Future workers’ readiness to overcome production risks in oil and gas industry as a component of professional readiness, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya =Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no.1, pp. 6–16. (In Russ.). doi: 10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-1-06-16.

Журнал «Гуманитарно-педагогичеЖурнал «Гуманитарно-педагогические исследования» - Gladkikh V. G., Danilova T. V. Future workers’ readiness to overcome production risks in oil and gas industry as a component of professional readiness (2025)


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